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5 Essential Oil Newbie Experiences

Updated: May 30, 2019

I recently read an article on Young Living’s website titled “Essential Oil Newbies”. The article highlighted things you will experience once you start to get into essential oils. I was surprised at how true each of these were for me!

  1. you will smell amazing

  2. you will inspire greater physical wellness

  3. helps make your house a home

  4. stimulates creativity

  5. greater connection with nature



I use my oils everyday! It’s a bit addictive. Whether I’m weathering my diffuser necklace or I had rolled on some oil blend, I always have some oils on my body. I also always have them nearby. My VIP blends sit on my desk at work and I a have a travel case I take on the go. Yet I still get surprised by how frequently people tell me how good I smell. In some ways I’m so used to the aromas, I don’t particularly realize what scent I’m putting off. Nevertheless, it’s always a welcomed compliment!


True. I have been inspired to find more ways to incorporate oils into all aspects of my life that ultimately lead to better wellness. Here are just a few of the new habits I have started. I add a few drops of Thieves Vitality with a shot of Ningxia every morning. This helps support my immune system, give me energy and also helps my digestions. A positive way I start my day. I also made my own facial serum using a prime combination of key essential oils including: carrot seed, geranium, rose, and frankincense. It has been amazing for my skin; its so hydrated and glowy.


The best comment I get, and it happens all the time - it smells like a spa in here! I don't specifically notice it and even when the diffuser isn't running there seems to be a good smell still lingering in the air. I love creating different blends to support my mood. A few of my favorite diffuser bends are - Motivating, Sunday Morning and chill 'Date Night'.


This was a surprising one to see but super true for me. Getting my Premium Starter Kit from Young Living has unleashed a creative need I didn't even know I had. It has inspired me to work towards my aromatherapy certification and start a new essential oil business. I've learned, I love learning about the oils and learning the ways they best blend together and the benefits they create. I'm so happy to get to this place where I'm really motivated!


This has come out too. As I've wanted to learn more about different oils, it has started to force some understanding of what type of plant the oils come from. And then further, what part of the plant gets distilled. It also ties to my interest in agriculture, and the agricultural side of herbs. This so so core to my heart.

If this sounds like something you want to learn more about, leave me a comment or email me. I'm happy to share more knowledge with you!

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